Affiliated to Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat

Rules & Regulations

Academic Integrity

1. Honesty in Academic Work: Students must maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in their
academic work. Cheating, plagiarism, and any form of academic dishonesty are strictly prohibited.
2. Attendance: Regular attendance in all classes is mandatory. Absences must be justified with valid reasons and
documented accordingly.
3. Timely Submission: Assignments, projects, and any academic work should be submitted by the deadlines specified
by instructors.


1. Respectful Behaviour: All students are expected to show respect and courtesy to peers, faculty, and staff.
Discrimination, harassment, or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.
2. Dress Code: Students should adhere to the college’s dress code, which promotes a respectful and professional
learning environment.
3. Use of Facilities: College facilities, including classrooms, libraries, and recreational areas, must be used responsibly.
Any damage to property will be subject to disciplinary action.

Campus Life

1. Hostel Rules: Hostel residents must adhere to the specific rules and regulations outlined in the hostel handbook,
including curfews, visitor policies, and quiet hours.
2. Participation in Activities: Active participation in college activities, clubs, and events is encouraged, but should not
interfere with academic responsibilities.
3. Health and Safety: Students must comply with all health and safety regulations, including emergency procedures
and maintaining cleanliness on campus.

Technology Use

1. Internet Usage: The use of college internet and computer facilities must be for educational purposes. Accessing
inappropriate content or unauthorized websites is forbidden.
2. Device Policy: Mobile phones and other electronic devices should be used responsibly and must not disrupt
classroom activities or other college functions.
3. Data Privacy: Students must respect the privacy of others and must not engage in unauthorized access to or
distribution of personal information.

Disciplinary Actions

1. Violation Consequences: Any violation of these rules and regulations may result in disciplinary actions, including
warnings, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the severity of the offense.
2. Grievance Procedure: Students have the right to a fair hearing. Any grievances or appeals regarding disciplinary
actions can be directed to the college’s disciplinary committee.